Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We trekked through Iowa (and Nebraska, but that's less note-worthy) to see some dear friends in Chicago. Beautiful fall colors, delicious food, and of course, catching up with important people, made it a pretty excellent trip.

In the air today:
1. Happy Halloween!  I'm celebrating with scary movies, good food (sweet potato stew, even though it's 70 degrees out, pumpkin pecan cake, and of course, candy), and snuggling.
2. Figuring out where to live is kinda hard.  At least I know that I want plants.  Lots of plants.
3.  I'm reading A.S. Byatt's The Children's Book.  It's a long one, and I'm intentionally slowing down and savoring it. 
4. The job search black hole is taking up all my brain space.  So, this list is only four items long.  And this one barely counts.